Finding a Way Forward

Marianne G. Briscoe, Ph.D., ACFRE

The horrid events of the past months have brought into sharp focus the harm Black Americans have endured for too long. They have moved our company and each of us individually to a still deeper level of introspection and self-examination about equity and social justice and our roles and capabilities to make this a better world. Much more work lies ahead.

We share here links to two messages from historically Black institution presidents that offer moving insight and that consider the way forward for all of us. While our own voices and actions are important, we believe that our engaged listening to the voices of leaders like these is a critical first step.

One message is from Dr. David M. Carlisle, President of Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science in Los Angeles.

Another is from the presidents of Atlanta University Center Consortium (Morehouse College, Clark Atlanta University, Spelman College, and Morehouse School of Medicine).